Loka Kshema Yagna Trust
Loka Kshema Yagna Trust is a non-profit spiritual and charitable organization based in Chennai and Tiruvallur, formed under the leadership of Sri “Meenakshi Kataksha” Lakshmi Ji.“Loka” in sanskrit means “world” and “Kshema” means “welfare” or “wellbeing”. “Yagna” refers to the sacrifical fire ceremonies.This trust has been formed with the objective of achieving global well-being and universal brotherhood by conducting Poojas,Yagnas,Homas and other such modes of worship.Dr.P.Lakshmi who holds a doctorate from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Chennai is the chief disciple of His Holiness “Mantra Murthi Dasan” Venkatesa Battachar Swamigal (Founder Trustee of Sri Viswaroopa Panchamukha Anjaneya Swami Temple,Thiruvallur,Tamil Nadu) and current head of the Guru Parampara. Thiruvallur is 45 kms from Chennai, TamilNadu, enroute to the Tirupathi .

Welcome To Loka Kshema Yagna Trust
Loka Kshema Yagna Trust Loka Kshema Yagna Trust is a non-profit spiritual and charitable organization based in Chennai and Tiruvallur, formed under the leadership of Sri “Meenakshi Kataksha” Lakshmi Ji.“Loka” in sanskrit means “world” and “Kshema” means “welfare” or “wellbeing”. “Yagna” refers to the sacrifical fire ceremonies.This trust has been formed with the objective of […]
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Sri Chandi descends to Melbourne
January 8, 2012 was indeed a wonderful experience to almost 300 Melbournians who witnessed and participated in the Chandi Homam conducted at the Sai Sansthan, Camberfield. Just a couple of days before the actual date of Chandi Homam Melbourne had been experiencing the usual summer heat. The thermometer had even touched 38 degrees just after […]
Loka Kshema Yagna Trust – Articles
This page has some articles written and posted by our devotees on their experiences with various Pujas and Homams conducted by Loka Kshema Yagna Trust. Sri Chandi descends to Melbourne – Chandi Yagna in Australia Amma’s Presence in my daily life – Experience of Mr.Bany Article in Indus Age Magazine, Brisbane, Australia Devotee Experiences – […]
Amma’s Presence in my daily life – Experience of Mr.Bany
Amma’s Presence in my daily life – Experience of Mr.Bany I grew up in a very religious family, apart from twice daily prayer rituals there were always some kind of major religious activities every fortnight or month performed by my mother, sisters and my grandfather. As a teenager my religious duties were confined to answer […]
Sri Chandi descends to Melbourne January 8, 2012 was indeed a wonderful experience to almost 300 Melbournians who witnessed and participated in the Chandi Homam conducted at the Sai Sansthan, Camberfield. Just a couple of days before the actual date of Chandi Homam Melbourne had been experiencing the usual summer heat. The thermometer had even […]
Photo Gallery
Click on the below links to view our photo gallery. General Annadanam ( Poor Feeding) Photographs of PoojyaSri “MantraMurti Dasan” Venkatesa Battachar Swamigal Photographs of Sri Meenakshi Kataksha Lakshmiji Sri Maha Sudarshana Mala Mantra Homam Sri Athi Rudra Maha Yagnam, Tiruvallur conducted by Art of Living Foundation Maha Sivaratri Rudrabhishekam and Shakti Panchakshari Moola Mantra […]
Meenakshi Illam,Near Viswaroopa Panchamukha Anjaneya Swami Temple,Rajaji Nagar Part 3, Periakuppam,Thiruvallur TamilNadu,India Phone: (91)-9789893472